Professional Centre


Square with Round Corners (931 Series)

G.James manufactures a range of Square with Round Corners Hollow aluminium extrusions.

Aluminium extrusions are produced at our facilities in Brisbane and Sydney, and are available for delivery Australia-wide. Sign up for an account to view technical details and detailed pdf drawings.

These extrusions can be sorted by section ID etc. by clicking the headings at the top of the table, or filtered by entering a term into the "Search" box below.

Section / Description Stocked Type Mass AP PP Alloy T Ix Iy
931-007   15 X 1.6 SQUARE BOX RAD CNRS Section 931007 diagram   A 0.226 57 100 6063 T6 2,491 2,491
931-010   19 X 1.5 SQUARE TUBE RAD. CNRS Section 931010 diagram   A 0.279 73 100 6063 T6 5,215 5,215
931-013   20 X 20 X 3.0 SQR BOX R/C Section 931013 diagram  6200 mm A 0.532 75 100 6351 T5 9,457 9,457
931-014   20 X 20 X 2 SQR BOX Section 931014 diagram   A 0.390 77 100 6063 T6 7,796 7,796
931-018   25 X 1.80 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931018 diagram   A 0.445 97 100 6063 T6 14,667 14,667
931-019   25 X 2 SQR TUBE R/C Section 931019 diagram   A 0.491 97 100 6063 T6 15,938 15,938
931-020   25 X 3 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931020 diagram  6500 mm A 0.715 95 100 6063 T6 21,213 21,213
931-021   25 X 2.5 SQUARE TUBE R\C Section 931021 diagram   A 0.595 96 100 6063 T6 18,453 18,453
931-024   25.40 X 1.2 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931024 diagram   A 0.306 98 100 6063 T6 10,878 10,878
931-028   26.4 X 2.5 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931028 diagram   A 0.632 100 100 6063 T6 21,994 21,994
931-031   27.8 X 1.8 SQR TUBE R/C Section 931031 diagram   A 0.490 106 106 6060 T5 20,011 20,011
931-032   32 X 3 SQR TUBE R/C Section 931032 diagram  6500 mm A 0.880 118 118 6351 T5 43,797 43,797
931-033   32.0 X 1.8 SQR TUBE R/C Section 931033 diagram   A 0.544 119 119 6060 T5 29,174 29,174
931-035   32 X 2.5 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931035 diagram   A 0.785 124 124 6063 T6 41,814 41,814
931-036   32 X 2.5 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931036 diagram  6500 mm A 0.750 119 119 6060SF T581 38,675 38,675
931-038   35 X 35 X 3.50 SQR TUBE R/C Section 931038 diagram   A 1.126 130 130 6060A T581 66,692 66,692
931-047   38.10 X 2.50 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931047 diagram  6500 mm A 0.950 148 148 6351 T5 73,732 73,732
931-050   40 X 40 X 3 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931050 diagram  6500 mm A 1.168 153 153 6063 T6 97,192 97,192
931-053   40 X 40 X 6 SQUARE TUBE R/CNRS Section 931053 diagram  6500 mm A 2.211 157 157 6063 T5 161,430 161,430
931-055   47.0 X 3.0 SQUARE BOX Section 931055 diagram   1.452 188 100 6082 T6 174,200 174,200
931-058   50 X 1.6 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931058 diagram   A 0.801 190 190 6063 T6 112,095 112,095
931-065   50 X 2 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931065 diagram   A 0.994 190 190 6063 T6 137,094 137,094
931-068   50 X 4.0 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931068 diagram   A 1.920 190 190 6063 T6 245,638 245,638
931-077   50.8 X 1.5 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931077 diagram   A 0.765 193 193 6063 T6 111,130 111,130
931-080   50.8 X 2.0 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931080 diagram  6000 mm A 1.011 193 193 6063 T6 144,250 144,250
931-085   50.80 X 3.0 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931085 diagram  6100 mm A 1.508 195 195 6351 T5 208,870 208,870
931-127   60 X 2.0 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931127 diagram   A 1.211 230 230 6063 T6 245,136 245,136
931-129   60 X 60 X 3.0 RECT BOX Section 931129 diagram   A 1.791 230 230 6106 T6 351,348 351,348
931-141   63.50 X 63.50 X 4.5 RAD/CNR BOX Section 931141 diagram   A 2.758 240 240 6351 T5 577,646 577,646
931-142   63.5 X 63.5 X 6.0 RAD/CNR BOX Section 931142 diagram  6100 mm A 3.600 240 240 6351 T5 721,470 721,470
931-145   65.5 X 65.5 X 1.6 R/CNR SQR TUBE Section 931145 diagram   A 1.092 257 257 6063 T5 272,133 272,133
931-147   76.0 X 76.0 X 5.75 S.H.S. R/C Section 931147 diagram  6100 mm 4.463 294 294 6351 T5 1,353,595 1,353,595
931-148   76.20 X 3.0 SQR BOX (RAD CNRS) Section 931148 diagram   A 2.313 294 294 6063 T6 750,513 750,513
931-155   76.0 X 6.20 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931155 diagram   B 4.319 276 276 6063 T6 1,226,851 1,226,851
931-158   90 X 90 X 2 SQUARE BOX R/CNRS Section 931158 diagram   A 1.889 355 355 6063 T5 895,485 895,485
931-159   100 X 3.20 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931159 diagram   A 3.287 389 389 6082 T6 1,873,491 1,873,491
931-160   100 X 5.0 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931160 diagram  4200, 6100 mm A 5.047 383 383 6063 T6 2,760,404 2,760,404
931-170   100 X 6.0 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931170 diagram   A 5.863 379 379 6063 T6 3,114,742 3,114,742
931-175   100 X 8 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931175 diagram   A 7.793 383 383 6005A T5 4,017,473 4,017,473
931-180   110.0 X 4.50 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931180 diagram  5500, 6500 mm A 5.109 433 433 6063 T6 3,488,917 3,488,917
931-200   150 X 3 SQUARE TUBE R/C Section 931200 diagram   A 4.765 595 595 6063 T6 6,324,285 6,324,285

For more information about our product lines, or for custom die design, please contact us.

G.James also offers a range of castings which may be of interest.